This is a personal journal and a way to refine my thoughts on a variety of subjects. To the extent it is useful to others, fine.

I guess I've been around long enough that I am beginning to learn how much I don't know about things. I've become more tolerant of other viewpoints over time, but still have my unique collection of prejudices (Go Pack!) and pig-headed opinions. Hopefully there is also some modicum of thoughtful insights gained by a lifetime of lessons learned from others and mistakes I've made.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

“Happiness is a perpetual possession of being well-deceived”

Rather weighty topic to lead off with!  The quotation is from Jonathan Swift, Irish essayist, novelist, & satirist (1667 - 1745).

Too often do we equate happiness with the accumulation of material possessions.  We look forward to the acquisition of a new car, a new technical gadget, a new pair of shoes or nick-knack with more anticipation of happiness than we generally realize from the item in question.  The satisfaction in the possession of most objects generally seems to wane over time.    Maurice Sendak recognized this when he said "There must be more to life than having everything."

The exception seems to be those simple items where we find a sentimental attachment to people we knew or with select pieces of art that speak to our soul.

I find some temporary happiness when a favorite team wins.  More so if they have a winning season or take a National Championship.  And of course even more so if they happen to beat the Bears or the Cubs!  But still this a rather transitory happiness, lasting only a short time and rather insignificant in importance compared to most things that happen to us and those we care for over our lifetime.

Lucy van Pelt comes closer to my definition of happiness when she hugged Snoopy and stated "Happiness is a warm puppy!"  Still, people suffering from cynophobia would strenuously disagree.  That is their loss.

Happiness depends to some degree on our physical needs.  A bowl of food when hungry, a drink when thirsty, a place to sleep when tired, warmth when cold, shelter from a storm, comfort when hurt or ill.  Beyond those basics, happiness is derived from the love and comfort provided by family and friends during times of loss and the celebration of life in the our best moments.

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